Artist Statement:

This body of work is the culmination of several years of experimentation with both still and moving visuals. Focusing early in my career on strictly showcasing the human form, the images became less concerned with the form being depicted in a certain way and began to depict the mere interaction of that form with light and movement using various methods of distortion to depict notions of fluidity throughout existence.


 2016-Present: Bachelor of Fine Art with a concentration in photography, Shepherd University


April 2023: “Self Portraits in Mylar” Archive Pigment Prints, 13”x19” Woodman’s Hall Gallery, Shepherd University

April 2017: “Nobody Knows Me” Archive Pigment Print, Annual Student Honors Exhibition, juried by Kathryn Burns, Phaze II Gallery, Shepherd University


April 2023: “A.G.” Archive Pigment Print, Sans Merci Art Zine, Shepherd University